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Grow Max Gold
:- Enhances growth rate and egg quality, improve functions of various digestive organs such as liver and pancreas. Enhances antibody response against infectious diseases and increases CelI-Mediated Immune (CMI) response.
Vitamin A
Support the bird's metabolic activity for maintenance and high laying performance.
Vitamin E
Acts as an Anti-oxidant and helps in achieving superior egg quality
Vitamin C
Improves the bird's resistance and help in sustain health and longevity.
Plays a significant role in the chicken's body in the formation of Chondroitin Sulphate, prevents from perosis, bone shortening etc.
Acts as a component of a number of metalloenzymes such as Carbonic Anhydrase which is essential for egg shell formation in the shell gland.
Used for synthesis of egg and body protein, helps in egg production.
Improves performance, egg quality and morphometrics of the reproductive system.
Yeast Complex
Essential for better ovulation and laying.
Essential Herbs (Turmeric, Ginger and Garlic Powder)
Helps in Hematuria, Amenorrhoea, Leucorrhoea with relaxed with vaginal walls.
Layers- 350gm. to 500gm.
per tonne of feed Breeders - 1kg.
per tonne of feed
Improves egg production
Help in getting high quality egg with well balance albumin and yolk content
Improves egg shell thickness
Reduces stress and discomfort for better egg laying.
Increases fertility, Hatchability in breeders
Improves digestion of feed and helps in better absorption of nutrients.