Hipotox Gold

Each 1000ml contains
  • Tricholine Citrate: 150g
  • L-Carnitine Hydrochloride: 25g
  • Protein hydrolysate: 10g
  • Choline chloride: 50g
  • L-lysine: 2.5g
  • Vitamin B12: 400mcg
  • Inositol: 1000mg
  • Methyl donors: 6.6g
  • Selenium: 700mcg
  • Vitamin E Protease: 2000mg
  • Biotin: 600mcg
  • Silymarin: 1000mg
  • Base enriched with Liver Stimulants.: q.s.
  1. Broiler, Leyar, Breeder
  2. Chicks-10ML / 100Chicks
  3. Growar-15 to 20ML / 100Birds
  4. Adult Birds-30ML / 100Birds
  5. To Be Administered Through Drinking Water Daily For 5-7 Days Or As Directed By The Veterinarian.
  • * Fastest Recovery of Hemoglobin During Haem Protozoan Diseases.
  • * Ensures Better Breeding By Increasing Hemoglobin Level in the Blood.
  • * Growth promoter, Improves Blood Volume & Blood Quality.
  • * Help Birds Get Better Nutrition During Leyeing Time.
  • * Improve Meat Quality.
  • * Most Help Full Anemic Condition.